*主持人欄位之括弧( )內所示為NHRI合作執行人。
自105年度起,為鼓勵院內、外學術合作,若有與NHRI研究人員實質合作提出研究計畫申請者,經審查通過,NHRI合作執行人將獲得NHRI院內配合款補助。惟,各申請案無論是否有NHRI研究人員參與皆不影響審查,其審查標準一致為所提 研究計畫是否 符合徵求之研究重點及其科學價值。
計畫名稱 Title of Application |
執行機構 Applicant Organization |
*主持人/(NHRI合作執行人) P.I. Name/(NHRI Researcher) |
計畫型態 Type of Application |
以微生物叢及吐氣分析作為探討痰液非結核分枝桿菌陽性病人病程變化之生物標記:一個多中心的前瞻性觀察性研究 Microbiota and Exhaled Breath Analysis as Biomarkers for Patients with Sputum Positivity of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria: a Prospective Multicenter Observational Study |
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 National Taiwan University Hospital |
王振源 Wang, Jann-Yuan |
Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) 酪胺酸磷酸化調控免疫抑制之機轉 Evading Immune Surveillance by Tyrosine Phosphorylation of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) |
中國醫藥大學 China Medical University |
王紹椿 Wang, Shao-Chun |
延緩骨質疏鬆之代謝體保護機轉:脂質代謝物調節表觀基因控制間質幹細胞分化 Metabolomic Alleviation of Osteoporosis: Lipidomic Control of Epigenetic Action to Stem Cell Program |
長庚醫療財團法人 Chang Gung Medical Foundation |
王逢興 Wang, Feng-Sheng |
丙烯醛作為糖尿病腎病治療的新興靶標。 Acrolein as a Novel Target in the Management of Diabetic Nephropathy. |
國立陽明大學 National Yang-Ming University |
王湘翠 Wang, Hsiang-Tsui |
腸道免疫動態平衡失調於巴金森氏症的腸腦軸致病機制 Dysregulation of Intestinal Homeostasis and Immune Response in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
江皓森 Chiang, Hao-Sen |
運用多形式神經造影與發炎激素預測情感性疾患的症狀及認知表現 Predicting Symptoms and Cognitive Performance of Mood Disorders Using Multimodal Neuroimaging and Cytokines |
國立陽明大學 National Yang-Ming University |
吳育德 Wu, Yu-Te |
探討腎病照護品質與台灣慢性腎臟病患者預後之關係 Association Between Quality of Renal Care and Outcomes of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients in Taiwan |
亞東紀念醫院 Far Eastern Memorial Hospital |
吳泓彥 Wu, Hon-Yen |
膠質細胞中、麩胺酸鹽的調控在癲癇症的角色 The Role of Glutamate Homeostasis in Glia Cells of the Epilepsy Disease |
臺北榮民總醫院 Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
李政家 Lee, Cheng-chia |
膽管癌循環癌細胞之抓取/ 計數/ 培養 及其個人藥物篩選之研究 Isolation, Counting, Culture and Drug Combination Screening of Circulating Tumor Cells from Cholangiocarcinoma for Personalized Medicine |
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University |
李國賓 Lee, Gwo-Bin |
利用內視鏡式光學同調斷層掃描術於子宮頸癌之早期診斷與治療效果評估之先導型研究 Investigation of the Clinical Utility of Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for Early Detection and Treatment Assessment of Cervical Cancer: a Pilot Study |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
李翔傑 Lee, Hsiang-Chieh |
感染性疾病之助益性免疫調節效應 Beneficial Immunomodulatory Effects of Infectious Diseases |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
林志萱 Lin, Jr-Shiuan |
大腦皮質之功能區塊建立與精神疾病的因果關係 The Causal Correlation between Psychiatric Disorders and the Establishment of Cortical Functional Areas |
國立陽明大學 National Yang-Ming University |
侯珮珊 Hou, Pei-Shan |
Prohibitin 2介導之粒線體自噬作用在健康與壽命調控之角色 Prohibitin 2-mediated Mitophagy in Organismal Healthspan and Lifespan |
國立陽明大學 National Yang-Ming University |
姜為中 Chiang, Wei-Chung |
標定染色體外DNA致癌基因以進行癌症治療 Targeting Oncogene on Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) for Cancer Therapy |
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University |
胡育誠 Hu, Yu-Chen |
ZNRF1 在胞飲體中的TLRs 引發發炎反應所扮演的角色 The Functional Role of ZNRF1 in Endosomal TLRs-mediated Inflammatory Responses |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
徐立中 Hsu, Li-Chung |
乳癌病人使用口服藥物之腸道微菌相分析與藥物微生物學研究 Pharmacomicrobiomics Investigation and Gut Microbiome Analysis of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Oral Medication |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
徐丞志/(張明姿) Hsu, Cheng-Chih Richard/ (Zhang, Mingzi ) |
優化腰椎退行性疾病之臨床決策與虛擬實境運動訓練介入 Optimizing Clinical Decision-Making and Virtual Reality Exercise Training in Degenerative Lumbar Spine Disease |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
徐瑋勵 Hsu, Wei-Li |
神經發展疾患之創新多面向前瞻性腸-腦軸線研究:結合代謝核磁共振、代謝體、 腸內菌叢微生物體探究基因-微環境交互作用 A Novel Multi-dimensional Prospective Study of the Gut-brain Axis through Metabolic MRI, Metabolomics and Gut Microbiome to Discover Gene-microenvironment Interactions in Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
高淑芬 Gau, Susan Shur-Fen |
以外來物誘發動物模式研究原發性膽汁性膽管炎之致病機轉 Study on the Pathogenesis of Primary Biliary Cholangitis by Xenobiotic Induced Mouse Model |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
莊雅惠 Chuang, Ya-Hui |
整合不同型式的乳癌轉錄體次世代定序資料尋找分子間剪接RNA Hybrid Transcriptome Sequencing Identifies Trans-spliced RNAs in Breast Cancer |
中央研究院 Academia Sinica |
莊樹諄 Chuang, Trees-Juen |
多對比光學同調斷層影像於早期口腔癌之應用及腫瘤邊界偵測 Application of Multi-contrast Optical Coherence Tomography in Early Oral Cancer and Tumor Margin Detection |
國立陽明大學 National Yang-Ming University |
郭文娟 Kuo, Wen-Chuan |
人類滋養層幹細胞的建立及應用:探討滋養層細胞分化及Zika病毒發病機制 Establishment and Application of Human Trophoblast Stem Cells: Investigation of Trophoblast Differentiation and Zika Virus Pathogenesis |
中央研究院 Academia Sinica |
陳宏文 Chen, Hungwen |
以智慧型手機程式建立作息節律的數位生物指標,並預測情緒疾患的預後 Develop Digital Biomarkers of Circadian Rhythm via a Mobile Application(App) to Predict the Outcome of Mood Disorders |
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 National Taiwan University Hospital |
陳宜明/(林煜軒) Chen, I-Ming/ (Lin, Yu-Hsuan) |
EB 病毒溶裂期基因表現造成細胞核膜結構改變與胞器變位並促進腫瘤演化 EBV Lytic Gene Expression Induces Nuclear Envelope Deformation and Organelle Redistribution to Promote Tumor Evolution |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
陳美如 Chen, Mei-Ru |
開發可標靶腫瘤基質之一氧化氮遞送系統於胰臟癌免疫治療之應用 Development of a Stroma-targeted Nitric Oxide Delivery System to Improve Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer |
國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University |
陳韻晶/(林淑宜) Chen, Yunching/ (Lin, Shu-Yi) |
闡明E3泛素連接酶Cdc20在抗PD-1癌症免疫治療耐藥機制中的作用 Elucidating the Role of E3 Ubiquitin Ligase Cdc20 in the Resistant Mechanisms of Anti-PD-1 Cancer Immunotherapy |
中國醫藥大學 China Medical University |
楊文豪 Yang, Wen-Hao |
探討泛癌突變及其功能性交互作用體之擾動機制 Functional Interactome and Perturbation in Pan-cancer Mutations |
國立交通大學 National Chiao Tung University |
楊進木 Yang, Jinn-Moon |
牛磺酸與體積感應有機滲透質陰離子通道在循環系統與代謝平衡中的角色 The Role of Volume-sensitive Organic Osmolyte-anion Channel and Taurine in the Circulatory System and Metabolism |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
劉逸軒 Liu, I-Hsuan |
探討雙特異性去磷酸酶-2調控外泌體生合成及吸引淋巴細胞聚集對癌症進程的影響 Effects of DUSP2-regulated Exosome Biogenesis and Lymphocyte Infiltration on Cancer Progression |
國立成功大學 National Cheng Kung University |
蔡少正 Tsai, Shaw-Jenq Sean |
整合性單細胞轉錄體,基因體及蛋白質體研究中樞神經系統自體免疫疾病 Integrative Single Cell Transcriptomic, Genomic and Proteomic Study of Autoimmune CNS Disorders. |
長庚醫療財團法人 Chang Gung Medical Foundation |
蔡孟翰/(黃道揚) Tsai, Meng-Han/ (Hwang, Daw-Yang) |
提升多重用藥病患的照護協調性:減藥方案的發展與評估 Improving Care Coordination for Patients with Polypharmacy: The Development and Evaluation of a De-prescribing Program |
國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University |
鄭守夏 Cheng, Shou-Hsia |
單鹼基基因編輯技術應用於內耳疾病治療 CRISPR-mediated Base Editing for the Inner Ear Disorders |
臺北榮民總醫院 Taipei Veterans General Hospital |
鄭彥甫 Cheng, Yen-Fu |
跨年齡層自閉症類群知覺表現型:前瞻性世代追蹤與知覺-社交典範建立 Sensory Phenotypes of Autism Spectrum Disorder Across Lifespan: Prospective Cohort Study and Sensory-Social Paradigm Establishment |
國立臺灣大學醫學院附設醫院 National Taiwan University Hospital |
簡意玲 Chien, Yi-Ling |